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Company Information

Enter the name and address of your company that you want to use in reports and proposals. Some information may already be entered based on the information provided during registration.

Go to Settings - Company Information.

  • Company Name (required) - Make changes to your company name.

  • License Number - can be seen on the proposal and invoices

  • Timezone (required) - company timezone

  • Physical address same as mailing - if the mailing address is different than the physical address (where the yard is located) disable this option - a new section called Physical Address will appear, where the yard address can e entered (the Physical Address will be used as the start and end points when creating routes)


These fields will all be displayed where ever company contact info is shown.

  • Work

  • Fax

  • Email

Mailing Address/Physical Address

Address which appears on invoices and estimates.

  • Address Line 1, Line 2

  • City

  • State/Province

  • Postal Code/Zip

Click Save or Save & Close when complete or Close to exit without saving the changes.