Cost Codes

Cost Codes are used to amalgamate items when tracking Job Costs. They are used in two main ways to do this.

Rolling up Labor Types

Cost Codes can be applied to Labor Types (from the Costbook - Labor Types section). When applied this way, they can roll up the Labor Types when tracking employee time. This option can be done at the Division level, or can be done on an individual job. When used, the Cost Codes will appear on the Timesheets instead of the Labor Types.

Reporting on other Costbook Items

If Cost Codes are applied to the other Costbook Items (Equipment, Materials, Plants, Subcontractors, and Misc Items) then this can be used when running the Job Management Reports. The items can be grouped by Cost Code instead of the individual items if desired.

They are created and managed from the Settings area of Manage360.

The list can be sorted and filtered as desired.