Update Services on your Maintenance Estimate Templates

If the services on your Maintenance templates are out of date, you will have to refresh them and re-add them to your templates in order to pull in the new pricing.

Templates were designed to take a "snapshot" of what the estimate had at the time so if you want to update this to a new template, please follow the steps below:

In the screenshot to the left 👈, we have an estimate where the template has a service already called Complete Tree Removal. Make note of the Quantity and Unit Cost as highlighted.

Next, we will find that service in our Costbook ( Costbook - >Services ) and change the quantity to 2. In real applications, this can range from a number of different changes but for this example, we will simply change the Quantity per visit to instead of 1 for Tree Removal. Notice the changes reflected.

Next, click on Save when you’re done.

Go back to your Maintenance template and delete the service on the template and re-add it to the template. This will bring over the updated service shown in the screenshot to the left 👈.

You will have to create a new template by going to Actions → Create New Template in order to save this as a new template.