Import Materials

Import Materials into Manage360 from CSV text files.

In order to import a list of Materials you first need to get the information in a format that can be imported. Manage360 accepts a file in CSV format which can be created in Microsoft Excel or Notepad.

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet: It is best to import your data in an Excel spreadsheet format, the section below will instruct you on how to import the spreadsheet.

Text File: If you have your import data in a text file format, you need to make sure the file is comma‐delimited. Comma delimited text files are files whose information is separated by instances of a comma character. If you’re working with delimited text files, we recommend that you open the text file using Microsoft Excel and re‐saving the file as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are easier to work with and can enable you to make rapid layout information revisions.

If you’re using a comma‐delimited file, take a minute now to open the file using Microsoft Excel. Then use Microsoft Excel’s Save As... command and save the file as a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet (.csv).  Once you have converted your text file to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, continue to the next section. 

For detailed information please see the Import Material Utility section in the Costbook area.