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Labor Rates

The Labor Rate is used to determine the hourly labor rate (per man hour). This is applied to the different Labor Types.

You can create a Labor Rate in the Costbook by following these instructions:

  1. Click on Costbook.

  2. Click on Labor Rate.    

  3. Click New Labor Rate to open the input screen.

Once the Labor Rate input screen appears you can enter the following:


  • Name (required)

  • Description (optional)


  • Division: This will set the Labor Burden, Overhead and Profit (if they are being used).


  • Is Default: This will be the default Labor Rate when creating Labor Types for the selected Division..


  • Crew Avg. Wage: The average wage cost for this crew.

  • Labor Burden: Used to calculate the added expenses for example insurance and benefits (set from the Division)

  • Overhead: OH markup from the Division

  • Profit: The default margin from the Division. This can be changed by clicking on the Override checkbox.

  • Unit Price: This is calculated by adding the Wage, Burden, OH and Profit. It can be overridden by clicking on the Fixed Price checkbox and entering a price manually.

Click the Save & Close or Save button to save the Labor rate to the Costbook or Cancel if you would like to discard the entry.