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Miscellaneous Items

To add Miscellaneous item to the Costbook follow these steps:

1.   Click on Costbook.

2.   Click on Misc. Items.

3.   Click the New Misc. Item button to open the input screen (Figure 1).

4.   Once the Misc. Item input screen appears you can enter the following:


  • Name (required)

  • Spanish Name (optional)

  • Description (optional)


  • Division: This will set the Purchasing Tax and Profit.

  • Cost Code: This can be used for grouping (if desired) on Job Management reports.

  • Sales Tax: Will Sales Tax be applied on this item.

  • Unit Type: Only applicable if Unit Pricing is being used.


  • Is Active

  • Hide on Proposal: The item will not be displayed on the Proposal even if the specific Item Type is selected.

  • Is General Condition for Construction: This Misc Item will be available to use as a General Condition on Construction Estimates.

  • Is General Condition for Maintenance: This Misc Item will be available to use as a General Condition on Maintenance Estimates.


  • Unit Cost

  • Unit Pricing: If the Misc. item is not a Unit Pricing item, uncheck the Unit Pricing checkbox.  In this case you will specify a cost instead of a quantity when adding the item to an estimate.

  • Purchasing Tax

  • Profit: The default margin from the Division. This can be changed by clicking on the Override checkbox.

  • Unit Price: This is calculated by adding the Wage, Burden, OH and Profit. It can be overridden by clicking on the Fixed Price checkbox and entering a price manually.

(Figure 2).

5.   Click the Save & Close or Save button to save the Miscellaneous item to the Costbook or Cancel if you would like to discard the entry.