Regional Settings and Formatting

Properly configuring regional settings is essential to ensure that the Manage360 meets the local standards and user preferences.

The Regional Settings page is divided into several sections, each allowing specific customizations:

  1. Locale and Language:

    • Locale: Set the locale to match the geographical region.

    • Alternate Language: Select an alternate language.

  2. Time:

    • Time Format: Choose the time format. The example shows the hh:mm A format, which represents times like 01:00 AM and 01:00 PM.

  3. Date:

    • Date Format: Select the preferred date format. The example shows the format D MMM YYYY, resulting in dates like 7 Aug 2024.

    • Long Date Format: Define a more detailed date format. The example format D MMMM YYYY results in dates like 7 August 2024.

  4. Currency:

    • Currency Symbol: Set the currency symbol used throughout. The example uses the $ symbol.

  5. Calendar:

    • First Day of the Week: Choose the starting day of the week. The example is set to Monday.

  6. Address:

    • Postal Code Label: Customize the label for postal codes.

    • Province Label: Customize the label for provinces or states.

  7. Phone:

    • Apply Phone Mask: Toggle to apply a mask to phone numbers. When enabled, phone numbers will follow a specific format, such as (###) ###-####.