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Mastering Annual Budget & Costbook Updates: Improve Profits with Accurate Estimating

In this webinar, we cover everything related to Budget & Costbook while using Manage360.

Topics will include:

  • Plant/Material List Management:

    • Learn the process of uploading a new or updated plant/material list.

  • Costbook Item Archiving:

    • Gain knowledge on archiving old or inactive costbook items.

    • Streamline the costbook for better organization and relevance.

  • Budget Spreadsheet Review:

    • Explore the Budget Spreadsheet and its components.

    • Understand how to input and manipulate data for effective budget tracking.

  • Reports for Cost Analysis:

    • Learn how to generate reports to compare estimated vs. actual costs.

    • Utilize these reports for informed decision-making in the 2024 budgeting process.