General Conditions

Once you have all the basic components of the estimate added you are able to add the general conditions. General conditions are typically things such as travel time, load and unload, daily cleanup, supervision, job offices or dumpsters, and other general job equipment which are not directly added to the estimate but which can be automatically added to your estimate based on the number of days the job will take and the number of workers per crew.  Equipment like trucks and bobcats can also be added to the estimate automatically based on the number of days the job will take.  These general conditions can then be spread across the estimate automatically so they are evenly distributed across your different work areas. Adding General Conditions to an estimate can be done through the Add General Conditions button in the Estimate Items screen or when you save the estimate. As long as the Costbook items have setup to be included in your list of General Conditions, you will see them in the Add/Edit General Conditions screen, if you have items that are not setup yet, you can set them up by following the instructions in the Setup item as General Condition section in the Costbook.

For more info on general conditions, watch the following video: