Labor Rate/Types

Labor Rates and Labor Types help you keep track of jobs easily and manage your labor costs effectively. First, you create a Labor Rate, where you store the average wage of your crew and calculate your sale price. Then, you define Labor Types, which describe the specific kinds of work your crew does on site, ranging from general tasks like 'Landscape Labor' to more specific ones like 'Bed Edging Labor' or 'Bed Prep Labor.' These Labor Types are added to estimates and linked to a Labor Rate, letting the system know how much to charge for each type of labor. Usually, companies have 2-6 different wage levels and a short list of Labor Rates. However, your list of Labor Types might be long, depending on the variety of tasks you want to track.

For tracking detailed labor tasks, use Kits. Kits let you pre-build a complete service, like 'Bed Prepping', with all the necessary items and labor types included. This way, when you make estimates, everything is already set up, making it easier and quicker. In the next section, we’ll explore how to create and use kits in more detail. It’s a good idea to start thinking about your Labor Types now, so they're ready when we begin working with kits.